1 in 3 Hiring Managers Admit to Ghosting Applicants

Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec
  • 10 Jul 2024
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  • Statistics
  • 1 in 3 Hiring Managers Admit to Ghosting Applicants

    New survey of 625 hiring managers reveals top recruitment trends in the UK and Ireland

    CV Genius, a leading career resources platform, has published key findings from its 2024 Recruitment Trends Survey. Conducted on 22 April 2024, the survey polled 625 hiring managers from the UK and Ireland to provide job seekers with the latest insights on recruitment practices and preferences.

    ‘The takeaways we’ve gathered really show how much more we’re leaning on tech like ATS and the value of direct feedback and communication,’ says Eva Chan, Lead Career Expert at CV Genius. ‘We want this survey to give job seekers a clearer picture of what goes on behind the scenes in hiring, so they feel more empowered to land that job.’

    Nearly 3 in 4 Hiring Managers Rely on ATS for Recruitment Needs

    • Nearly 3 in 4 hiring managers (71%) use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen CVs. Of these, 41% use them frequently, 30% for certain roles, 16% rarely, and 13% never.
    • ATS usage varies by company size, with 46% of large companies, 44% of medium-sized companies, and 34% of small companies using ATS.
    • Millennials are more likely to use ATS, with 54% using it compared to 27% of Gen Z, 26% of Gen X, and 26% of Boomers.

    Job Boards and Recruiters Ranked Top Methods for Finding Qualified Applicants

    • Job boards and recruiters are ranked as the most effective methods for finding qualified applicants, with an average effectiveness score of 2.94 out of 5 (1 being most effective, 5 being least effective).
    • Social media and company websites follow closely, both with an average rank of 3.01 out of 5.
    • Referrals are deemed the least effective method, with an average rank of 3.11 out of 5.

    57% of Hiring Managers Invite Applicants to Interviews Within a Week

    • 57% of hiring managers reported they’re likely to give out a job interview invitation within a week if they’re interested in a candidate, while 19% are neutral, and 24% are unlikely.
    • Company hiring managers are 50% more likely than recruiters to invite candidates to interviews within a week.

    Nearly 3 in 10 Hiring Managers Admit to Ghosting Applicants

    • 33% are likely to ghost candidates, 23% say they’re neutral, and 44% are unlikely to do so.
    • Gen Z and Millennial managers are 61% more likely to ghost job applicants than Gen X and Boomers.

    Geoffrey Scott, Senior Hiring Manager at Resume Genius says: ‘The number of companies ghosting applicants in 2024 is concerning, and I see this trend growing bigger as employers automate more of their work and use AI to streamline their recruitment processes. Job seekers should be prepared for the possibility of getting ghosted by hiring managers, and remain proactive in following up after an interview if they’re invested in a particular opportunity.’

    61% of Hiring Managers Will Give Feedback if Asked

    • 61% are willing to provide feedback, 22% are neutral, and 17% are unwilling to.
    • Gen X and Boomers hiring managers are more inclined to give feedback (69%) compared to Millennials and Gen Z (60%).

    ‘It’s encouraging to see that a large chunk of hiring managers are willing to provide feedback if asked,’ Samuel Johns, Recruiting Manager at CV Genius, says. ‘Don’t be shy about asking for advice on how you could improve. Feedback on an unsuccessful application can help you grow, refine your applications, and boost your interview skills. It’s a chance to learn and adapt for the future, so just take the time to ask.’

    6 in 10 UK Hiring Managers Check References

    • 61% are likely to contact references when provided, 16% are neutral, and 23% are unlikely to contact references.
    • 50% of hiring managers will ask for references if they aren’t initially provided. Hiring Managers Aren’t Fussed if Applicants Ask for Higher Salaries
    • 32% of hiring managers view requests for higher pay positively, 33% are neutral, and 35% view them negatively.

    ‘Show me why you’re worth it, be tactful, and try not to come across as only caring about the money, and you’ve got my attention,’ says Scott. ‘Just don’t be combative and imply that our offer isn’t a fair one, because that’ll rub most employers the wrong way. It’s perfectly acceptable for candidates to ask for higher salaries as long as they can justify why they deserve it. As hiring managers, we appreciate when candidates are transparent and professional in these discussions.’

    To read the full report, visit https://cvgenius.com/blog/career-advice/recruitment-trends-survey


    This survey was conducted by CV Genius in collaboration with Pollfish. The study sought to gain insights into the impact of CV evaluation, interviews, and skills assessments on hiring decisions, as well as to identify the most valued candidate qualities among UK hiring managers. The survey was fielded online on 22 April 2024, and targeted a sample size of 625 participants.

    Demographic breakdown is as follows: Gender: female (45%), male (55%); Age Groups: Boomers (5%), Gen X (24%), Millennials (52%), Gen Z (19%); Company Size: Small (<50 employees) (33%), Medium (50-250 employees) (29%), Large (250+ employees) (26%) External recruiters (12%); Country: United Kingdom