5 Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Top Creative Talent

attracting talent employees hiring HR Recruiting retaining talent

For many companies, recruiting top talent looks a lot like a game of hide and seek. The company is “it” and seeking through a pile of resumes in search of someone with great skills, a positive attitude, and an outstanding track record of delivering great work. When the company finally sets its sights on that person, the struggle to capture them begins.

If that is what recruiting looks like for you, it’s time for a change. Recruiting does not need to be an exhausting search. In fact, the right strategy can turn the tables and inspire top talent to start seeking you out.

The following are some key elements of a winning strategy for recruiting top creative talent.

Offer Flexible Work Options

A strong desire for flexible work arrangements is part of the fallout from the pandemic. Most who experienced remote work decided they liked the flexibility it provides. As a result, many people who are looking for work are looking for remote or hybrid opportunities.

A recent survey revealed that 60 percent of job seekers are looking for remote work
opportunities, yet other stats show that less than 10 percent of job postings are offering remote or hybrid options. That means companies who can provide applicants with the flexibility they seek will be prioritized.

It’s also important to note that flexibility can be especially appealing to creative talent. A busy, noisy office isn’t the most conducive space for creative ideas to flourish. If your goal is to attract creative talent, you should provide the flexibility for creatives to take their laptop to a space where they can focus on the creative process.

Once you determine how you will cater to the growing desire for flexibility, make sure you promote it heavily in your job postings and provide clarity on where employees can work and when. If “remote” doesn’t mean 100 percent remote, make sure candidates have the information they need to understand your expectations.

Provide and Promote Competitive Compensation

If you want to have top talent come looking for you, you need to offer competitive compensation. Research shows pay is one of the most important factors to job seekers, so if you are not offering above-average compensation, you will most likely not attract above-average talent. Determining what you need to offer to be competitive will require doing some homework, which can involve exploring what your competitors are offering or looking at averages on a hiring site like Glassdoor. You should also consider how you stack up in other areas before determining what you’ll pay.

If you can’t provide the flexibility recruits are looking for, higher-than-average compensation might be needed to offset an in-office requirement. It’s also important that you promote your competitive compensation. Statistics show that 80 percent of workers are unlikely to apply for a job that doesn’t provide at least a salary range. To not only attract but also retain top talent, revisit your compensation regularly to ensure it is still competitive. Cost of living increases should be standard, and merit-based increases will help to communicate to your employees that you continue to value their contributions.

Add Value with Meaningful Benefits

Job seekers appreciate a company that pays well, but they appreciate a company that invests in their future even more. Offering meaningful benefits is a way to show you care about your employees’ overall well-being and an easy way to attract top talent.

Health insurance is a benefit many job seekers are looking for, as a strong health insurance package essentially boosts an employee’s salary by reducing their healthcare costs.

Retirement plans that include employer matching are another benefit that increases overall compensation. Providing professional growth opportunities is another way to invest in your employees’ futures. Training and educational programs open the door for advancement, which can mean higher compensation and more job security while communicating that you value employees and see them playing a role in your company’s future.

Craft an Attractive Culture

The value of a healthy culture cannot be overstated. It’s a critical component of both attracting and retaining talent. If you are investing in your culture, make sure you highlight it in all of your job postings.

For example, our postings talk about the fact that our team “loves working in our supportive and friendly atmosphere.” They also give glimpses of what our work environment looks like, explaining that we “pride ourselves on having a fun culture” and “want to bring people in who contribute to the diversity and positivity of our environment.”

Treat Recruits Like Real People

A “one size fits all” strategy is not the kind of strategy that will attract top talent. Remember that recruits are real people. If you can listen to their unique needs and remain flexible wherever possible, you will communicate that you are a workplace where people are valued. There is no substitute for talented employees, and there is no easy way to attract and retain them, but every business can take steps to communicate that they appreciate people’s needs and value their contributions. Craft a recruitment strategy that clearly shares that message and you’ll have a competitive edge in today’s labor market.

Tiffani Martinez, Human Resources Director at Otter PR, excels at putting the “human” back into “Human Resources.” She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Keiser University with a BA in Business Management and a focus in Human Resource Management. Her professional background is in non-profit and Property and Casualty insurance with focused knowledge of the needs of Florida residents. Her tenure in non-profit led her to manage one of the top 100 largest churches in the nation with more than 2,000 members. Her passion is in conflict management where she strives to take in all perspectives, ensuring all parties are respected and heard with fairness and empathy.

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