Report cites disconnect between Gen Z and employers


A disconnect between Generation Z and employers is evident, according to a survey by jobs website operator iHire.

It found that 34.4% of Gen Z respondents fear that negative stereotypes could hinder their job searches and career advancement in the coming year. On the other hand, employers expressed concerns about Gen Z’s alleged entitled mentality, lack of commitment and work ethic.

Members of Gen Z are defined by iHire as individuals aged between 18 and 27.

The study noted that not all stereotypes were negative, as employers described Gen Z as tech savvy, socially conscious and diverse.

However, 70.3% of Gen Z members said it was extremely or very important for their employer’s mission and values to align with their own, and 68.0% said the same about their company’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

While 58.3% of employers said Gen Z job seekers need to improve their interviewing skills and 57.5% said they need to communicate better with hiring managers and recruiters, Gen Z’s self-assessment sometimes differed. For instance, while 52.8% of employers said Gen Z needs to improve their office/workplace etiquette skills, 73.7% of Gen Z members rated their office/workplace etiquette skills as excellent or good.

Similarly, while 48.4% of employers stressed the importance of enhancing résumé writing skills, 68.4% of Gen Z members were confident of their résumés’ efficacy.

Regarding artificial intelligence, 33.2% of Gen Z members fear AI replacing their job or making their role less significant in the coming year. The survey also found that 42.7% citing they never used such tools for job search assistance, such as writing a résumé or cover letter with ChatGPT.

Despite the perception that Gen Z is tech savvy, the survey found that 82.4% of respondents prefer in-person work at least some of the time, with 55.8% desiring entirely in-person work environments and 26.6% opting for hybrid setups. Only 17.6% favored completely remote work.

“Generation Z possesses unique perspectives and values shaped by growing up in the digital age and experiencing the pandemic during their formative years,” iHire President and CEO Steve Flook said in a press release. “As Gen Z permeates the workforce, employers need to understand how to recruit, retain, engage and motivate this group. Likewise, Gen Z candidates must understand employers’ expectations and how to best market themselves to find the right jobs. Our report aims to provide insights to both sides to move the employment market toward a brighter future.”

Other findings in the report:

  • 69.3% of Gen Z members have a dream job they hope to attain in the next decade and want that role to provide a positive work environment, fair pay, flexibility and autonomy with minimal supervision.
  • Additionally, 38.6% of Gen Z job seekers cited finding jobs for which they are qualified or have the required experience as one of their top job search challenges, while 25.6% expressed frustration with employers’ overly specific or unrealistic requirements, posing barriers to entry-level employment opportunities.

The survey includes responses from 1,093 Gen Z members and 252 US employers across 57 industries from iHire’s customer database. It took place between March and April 2024.