Loneliness in the workplace affects many employees, with detrimental impacts on mental health and productivity. Various studies have highlighted the prevalence of this problem, particularly in the context of remote and hybrid working models that became more common during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Here I will explore key factors contributing to workplace loneliness, suggesting strategies for both individuals and organizations to mitigate this issue.

Prevalence of Workplace Loneliness

Multiple surveys and studies reveal the extent of workplace loneliness worldwide. As the EY Belonging Barometer 3.0 shows, as many as 75% of respondent workers at companies across the globe report having felt excluded at work. What’s more, the Mental Health Foundation’s 2022 report indicates that 45% of UK employees have felt lonely at work at some point, underscoring the widespread nature of the problem.

Totaljobs’ 2019 survey found that nearly 60% of workers experienced feelings of loneliness at work, with younger employees (aged 18-34) particularly affected, with a whopping 70% of them reporting such feelings. This suggests that workplace loneliness is not confined to a specific age group but is more pronounced among younger workers who may be newer to the workforce and less established in their social networks. Throughout my years of experience, I’ve frequently engaged with countless young apprentices within large organizations who, upon relocating for their new roles, grapple with profound feelings of loneliness. Regrettably, this issue persists today, only compounded.

This is because the pandemic exacerbated these feelings. According to a survey conducted by Mind and YouGov in 2020, 60% of UK adults reported worsening mental health during the pandemic, with loneliness being a significant factor. The shift to remote working played a crucial role in this trend. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported a rise in loneliness during the lockdowns, with the percentage of adults feeling lonely often or always increasing from 5% to 7.2%. While this statistic encompasses general loneliness, the workplace environment, particularly for those working remotely, contributed significantly to these feelings.

Loneliness and Productivity

Loneliness in the workplace can significantly impact employee performance in several ways. It often leads to reduced productivity due to decreased engagement and lower focus and concentration. Loneliness can impair mental health, causing increased stress, anxiety, and even depression, which further hinders cognitive functions and decision-making abilities. It contributes to higher absenteeism as employees may take more frequent sick leave or experience burnout, resulting in prolonged absences. The quality of work may suffer too as lonely employees may lack creativity, make more mistakes, and produce work of lower accuracy.

Additionally, loneliness can diminish collaboration and teamwork as lonely individuals withdraw from team activities and foster poor relationships with colleagues, leading to a breakdown in team cohesion and communication. Also, loneliness often results in lower job satisfaction and commitment, affecting employees’ morale and increasing turnover rates, which can incur significant costs for the organization.

What Contributes to Workplace Loneliness?

Several different factors, including individual circumstances and organizational practices, can contribute to workplace loneliness. Remote and hybrid working models, while offering flexibility, can lead to isolation if not managed effectively. The lack of physical presence removes opportunities for casual interactions that often foster a sense of community and belonging.

Organizational culture also plays a critical role. Environments that do not promote inclusivity, respect, and open communication can exacerbate feelings of loneliness. Employees who feel undervalued or unrecognized are more likely to experience isolation. Additionally, workplace dynamics such as cliques, bullying, and ostracism can further alienate individuals, leading to a toxic work environment. Behaviours like ostracism have, in my experience, caused stress-related sickness absence and the loss of talent in organizations.

Strategies for Individuals

Individuals can take proactive steps to mitigate feelings of loneliness in the workplace. Firstly, staying connected is crucial. Actively participating in virtual meetings and discussions helps maintain visibility and connection with team members. It is tempting to keep cameras turned off, yet this vital link enables a thread of human connection, as well as helps gauge how their remotely located colleagues are coping. Utilizing messaging apps for regular check-ins and casual conversations can help bridge the gap created by physical distance.

Creating a routine that includes regular breaks and interactions with colleagues, such as virtual coffee breaks or lunch chats, can provide a sense of normalcy and connection. Leveraging video calls for face-to-face interactions can build stronger connections compared to text-based communication. Engaging in social activities, such as walking groups, online games, or book clubs, can also foster relationships outside of work tasks.

If feelings of isolation persist, seeking support from a trusted friend, colleague, supervisor, or HR representative can provide relief. Building alliances with supportive colleagues and engaging in professional development opportunities can also boost confidence and open doors to new professional relationships. Given that loneliness is frequently accompanied by anxiety, it’s crucial to step out of your comfort zone and actively seek human connections. Begin by initiating a simple conversation with a colleague, perhaps by asking them how their day is going, and take it from there.

Strategies for Organizations

Organizations have a significant role in addressing workplace loneliness. Implementing clear anti-bullying and anti-harassment policies is essential to create a safe and respectful work environment. Promoting a culture of inclusivity and respect through regular training sessions on diversity and inclusion can reinforce these values.

Fostering a virtual community is crucial for remote and hybrid workers. Creating online spaces for social interaction, such as virtual break rooms or forums, can help employees feel connected. Regular check-ins by managers to discuss well-being and address concerns are also vital. Ensuring all employees, regardless of their work location, are included in meetings and decision-making processes can promote inclusivity.

Organizing virtual and in-person team-building activities can enhance collaboration and relationship-building. Providing resources and training on effective hybrid working practices can help employees stay connected and engaged. Offering mental health resources, such as access to virtual counselling or Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), can support employees’ well-being.

For hybrid workers, creating a schedule that allows for regular in-person interactions can ensure they do not feel isolated. Monitoring team dynamics and addressing any signs of ostracism or exclusion promptly is essential for maintaining a healthy work environment. Recognizing and appreciating employees’ contributions, highlighting both remote and in-office workers, can also help foster a sense of belonging.

Leadership Responsibilities

Effective leadership is pivotal in addressing workplace loneliness. Leaders must receive a clear organizational directive from the upper echelons regarding the type of psychologically safe culture to cultivate internally. This enables leaders to exemplify inclusive behaviour aligned with the organization’s culture, ensuring that all team members feel valued and heard, irrespective of their location. Maintaining open and transparent communication about company policies, changes, and expectations can ensure all employees feel informed and included. Regularly acknowledging and appreciating employees’ contributions can further enhance their sense of belonging.

The Bottom Line

Workplace loneliness is a significant issue that affects many employees, with remote and hybrid working models presenting unique challenges. Addressing this problem requires a multifaceted approach that involves both individual actions and organizational policies. Leaders need to role model inclusive behaviour, ensuring all employees are seen and heard in meaningful interactions, and they need to foster a culture of connection, support, and psychological safety. Organizations need to provide clear direction for leaders, as well as accessible resources for mental health and well-being. With effort, feelings of loneliness can be mitigated as the workforce feels more connected and engaged.

Vicky Smith, Senior Consultant at WorkingWell, is passionate about sharing her knowledge and has more than 20 years of consulting, coaching, facilitation and training experience in locations across the globe. She is currently earning a PhD, researching psychological safety in organisations and is a qualified NLP trainer, psychotherapist and executive coach. Vicky is also the co-author of Brave New Leader: How to Transform Workplace Pressure into Sustainable Performance and Growth.

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