Data Shows Nearly Half of Workers Don’t Use All Their PTO

Benefits and Compensation employee productivity employees HR Mental Health paid time off PTO unused PTO vacation time

A challenging job market, new workplace demands driven by emerging technology, and concerns over job longevity and security are all contributing to stress among workers these days. Add to that an environment in which many employees are grappling with low wages and increasing work demands, and it’s no wonder that companies of all kinds are seeing increasing discontent and dissatisfaction.

Yet, despite these challenges, recent studies show a significant number of workers are not utilizing their entitled paid time off (PTO), leaving valuable rest and recuperation time unused.

Why the disconnect?

Leaving PTO on the Table

A recent survey by Solitaired revealed that 47% of Americans left some PTO unused in 2024. That’s a particularly interesting statistic since 61% of respondents said they’d like to have more PTO, and 75% reported dissatisfaction with their current amount of leave.

Certain industries, such as the government, nonprofit, and engineering sectors, have an especially high level of unpaid leave.

Why PTO is Being Left Behind

The reasons employees are failing to use their full allotment of PTO while simultaneously indicating that they would like to receive more PTO are multifaceted.

The top three reasons, according to this survey are:   

  1. Saving for a rainy day. Employees are choosing to bank their PTO in anticipation of future needs or for emergencies. 
  • Overly focused on work. Some employees are simply highly devoted to their jobs and hesitant to take time off. They have the sense that they need to make sure things continue to go smoothly and have a strong sense of commitment to their work.   
  • In other cases, employees are concerned that work will pile up in their absence. They don’t want to take time off only to return to an overwhelming workload. 

This isn’t the only study pointing to a growing tendency among employees to leave PTO unused. Another study indicated that 48% of U.S. workers anticipated leaving vacation time unused by the end of last year. Factors contributing here included the expense of taking vacations, self-imposed pressures, and heavy workloads contributing to this trend.

Consequences of Unused PTO

The consequences of unused PTO extend beyond individual well-being. For employers, accumulated PTO represents a financial liability and can lead to increased employee burnout, reduced productivity, and higher turnover rates. Addressing this issue requires a cultural shift within organizations to encourage employees to take their entitled time off without guilt or fear of repercussions.

While the current job market presents numerous challenges, it’s crucial for both employees and employers to recognize the importance of utilizing PTO. Encouraging the use of allotted vacation time can lead to improved mental health, increased job satisfaction, and a more productive workforce.

Lin Grensing-Pophal is a Contributing Editor at HR Daily Advisor.

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