Dishwasher Maintenance Tips

Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Dishwasher Maintenance Tips

  • 01 Aug 2023
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    Mineral deposits and food particles build up in your dishwasher over time, diminishing its cleaning efficiency and leaving glassware cloudy.

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  • With some preventive maintenance measures in place, however, you can keep things running smoothly and avoid future issues with it.

    Beginning by emptying and removing the bottom rack from your dishwasher. If it features a filter, look out for it; usually it should twist out easily and resemble water filters in home filtration pitchers. Cinch Home Services can help with a dishwasher warranty.

    Clean the Door

    Use a commercial kitchen spray or multipurpose cleaner to wipe down the outside of the dishwasher door and any handles, using a toothbrush to reach into corners and crevices.

    Dirty dishes, grease and soap scum build up in your dishwasher over time, reducing its efficiency and contributing to unpleasant odors. Deliberate cleaning will eliminate these deposits and restore it back into working order.

    Make sure to empty out and clean out your dishwasher’s drain periodically in order to remove any gunk that accumulates there. Sprinkle baking soda around its floor, and run a short hot water rinse cycle (but without drying mode) afterward.

    Interior floors of dishwashers can also be easily maintained by using vinegar sprinkled liberally to clean it, running a hot water rinse cycle, and then allowing the unit to air dry afterward. This process removes mineral deposits while simultaneously protecting spray arms against grime build-up.

    Clean the Gasket

    The seal around a dishwasher door is susceptible to mildew and mold growth, compromising its ability to seal between the appliance and sink opening. Use vinegar water cleaning solution on a dampened cloth and wipe across all the seal creases before replacing the cloth in its storage place.

    Food debris often finds its way into the drain of a dishwasher, creating a blockage that hinders energy efficiency and cleaning capabilities. Be sure to regularly inspect and clear out your drain for any food pieces that have lodged there.

    Spray arm holes that become clogged cause your dishwasher to spray less forcefully and may leave streaks on dishes. Wipe down these arms monthly with a damp cloth. Every six months, carefully remove and clean each arm according to the instructions in your owner’s manual. If your racks exhibit signs of wear and rusting, sand the affected areas before applying vinyl touch-up paint or covers from repair kits that can be found online or at most home improvement stores.

    Clean the Spray Arms

    The dishwasher spray arms are responsible for evenly dispensing water throughout the machine, cleaning dishes and items being washed. Over time, however, these arms can become clogged with food debris or hard water minerals, disrupting their performance and hampering cleaning performance. Left untreated, a clogged dishwasher will require being replaced – costing an expensive sum in replacement costs alone.

    To prevent clogging of spray arms, they should be regularly cleaned using vinegar. Simply pour one cup into a container, use an old toothbrush to scrub each jet hole inside each spray arm jet hole using vinegar-soaked cotton buds, and gently scrub away mineral deposits using softening toothbrush bristles soaked with vinegar – you may notice softened mineral deposits making removal easier! After cleaning them up thoroughly, reattach and run an empty cycle in the dishwasher; once they have been properly attached back on their arms.

    Clean the Filter

    As your dishwasher cleans the dishes, its filter captures food particles and grease that could potentially clog your drain and create unpleasant odors over time. Luckily, it’s one of the easiest parts of your appliance to keep sanitary.

    Locate and untwist out your dishwasher filter – either a circular plastic grid or cylindrical tube that resembles that of a water pitcher filter – in either case they must be carefully untwisted to be removed; some require tools while most can be done so with just twisting of their handle.

    Gently scrub the filter with a sponge or toothbrush before washing it in warm, soapy water and letting it dry before reinstalling and locking it back in place. Run an empty cycle afterward to make sure everything is in working order before continuing with regular loads of dirty dishes.