Friction and unrealistic expectations: The No. 3 red flag to look for when building your recruiting AI tech stack

Recruiting staffing Talent Management and Recruiting Technology Tips

As more providers introduce AI solutions geared toward hiring and talent management, it can be confusing to differentiate between which solutions provide real value to your organization and which are just marketing hype.

Not all claims made by AI providers are grounded in reality. Any provider can make unsubstantiated claims, so it’s crucial to discern between marketing assertions and actual implementation.

When assessing AI solutions to integrate into your workflows, evaluate whether it will simplify operations or create friction, evaluate if the purported benefits are achievable for your organization, and conduct pilots for each potential solution to ensure compatibility.

How to Spot Solutions that Create Friction

Despite the promise of efficiency and optimization, some AI solutions may create friction and inefficiencies at various stages of the recruitment process Look out for red flags like:

  • Convoluted user interfaces 
  • Inadequate integration with existing systems
  • Overly complex features that may overwhelm your team
  • Solutions that use AI just for the sake of it without providing clear value 
  • Functions that distract from the core goals of recruiting

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Set Realistic Expectations 

Unrealistic expectations surrounding AI in recruiting and talent management often stem from exaggerated promises of automation and efficiency. While AI undoubtedly offers significant potential to streamline certain aspects of HR and recruiting, providers who claim their solutions can solve all your challenges overnight are setting you up for disappointment. 

Similarly, any solution that appears too good to be true should raise red flags. AI solutions should never solely determine candidate rankings or make direct recommendations regarding hiring, firing or promotion decisions. Most importantly, there should always be a human element when it comes to any personnel decision, as AI solutions cannot replicate the nuanced judgment required for effective candidate evaluation and selection. 

For example, you may leverage conversational analytics to glean valuable insights from candidate interviews that streamline human decision-making. However, the solution should never dictate whom to hire or present subjective assessments, such as labeling a candidate as “well-spoken.”

Pilot Each Potential AI Solution

Before fully integrating any AI solution into your organization, pilot it first. This involves testing the solution with a subset of users to identify any potential friction in its implementation process and to gauge its feasibility for your specific needs.

Most AI providers offer free trials for piloting their solutions. Choose a subset of users who can test the solution in real-world scenarios and evaluate its usability and practicality. Consider factors such as:

  • Are there technical or procedural issues that could hinder widespread adoption?
  • Does the solution deliver the anticipated benefits, even if only partially, during the pilot phase?
  • Are there areas where the solution falls short, necessitating additional solutions?
  • Will it provide long-term value and efficiency? 

Focus on solutions that offer tangible benefits, demonstrate a deep understanding of industry challenges, provide evidence of successful deployments, and offer seamless opportunities for piloting. While AI holds promise for enhancing recruitment processes, ensure that its implementation aligns with your core recruiting objectives and doesn’t divert attention from essential priorities.

Be sure to read part one and part two of this series to learn about other red flags to watch out for when building your recruiting AI tech stack.