Gen Z Drives Low-Point in Job Engagement Scores

employee engagement employees engagement scores gen z Gen Z in the workplace Gen Z workers HR Learning & Development

Recent data shows workplace engagement is at an 11-year low, with the biggest drop among Gen Z workers. For such organizations that want to keep a productive and satisfied workforce, the decline of the engagement level to the lowest level in the last decade is a very alarming issue.

Understanding Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is an attitude, an enthusiasm of affiliation, and a commitment from the employee to the company and the job. Engaged employees are those that are more disposed toward contributing positively to organizational goals, more productive, and are destined to stay longer with the company.

Key Findings on Employee Engagement

The data revealed in the recent Gallup poll points to a troubling trend among the youngest cohort in the workforce. And while engagement across all levels has dropped to its lowest point in more than a decade, that trend is most pronounced in Gen Z workers, whose numbers have declined the most. These declines question the future of how workplace dynamics will look like and what strategies need to be put in place to ensure there is an environment that is more engaging.

Challenges Faced by Gen Z in the Workplace

Gen Z workers face unique challenges that contribute to their lower engagement levels. Born in the digital world, the rising expectations and values they lay on the table about their careers are a complete difference. Gen Z realizes rapid progression and esteems being seamless with their work and personal life.

They are also more likely to prioritize social issues and corporate ethics, which influences their engagement at work.

Moreover, this generation will take its first job steps against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic; such an extraordinary economic uncertainty and rapid change through technology. These would have been conditions that could have ultimately formed, in fact, their work experiences and expectations.

In essence, what such a big change in behavior among Generation Z employees underscores is that it is high time for organizations to go back to their drawing boards and review their strategies to ensure they are in tandem with the changing fast needs and expectations of their youngest employees.

Lin Grensing-Pophal is a Contributing Editor at HR Daily Advisor.

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