How charity organisation Thirtyone:eight Streamlined DBS Checks from a paper system to an online solution

Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec
  • 07 Aug 2024
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  • How charity organisation Thirtyone:eight Streamlined DBS Checks from a paper system to an online solution

    Getting the right people into the right roles has never had higher stakes, and so when it came to choosing a screening provider and platform for its DBS checks, working with the very best was non-negotiable.

    Thirtyone:eight is the UK’s only award-winning independent safeguarding charity, trusted for over 45 years to help individuals, organisations, charities, faith and community groups to protect vulnerable people from abuse. Getting the right people into the right roles has never had higher stakes, and so when it came to choosing a screening provider and platform for its DBS checks, working with the very best was non-negotiable.

    With an annual processing volume of over 80,000 checks, Thirtyone:eight needed a reliable, efficient, and cost-effective solution to manage their screening processes. This case study explores how Matrix Security Watchdog enhanced their operational efficiency and workforce management using the eBulkPlus Digital Screening platform to address their unique challenges.


    Twelve years ago, Thirtyone:eight faced the urgent need to transition from a paper-based system to an almost entirely online solution. Barbara Ball, Head of Disclosures and Training at Thirtyone:eight, explained, “We had to find an online solution and we had to get one quick.” The charity was under pressure to implement a digital system swiftly and efficiently to handle their high volume of DBS checks.


    Recommended to Thirtyone:eight by a trusted industry partner, Matrix Security Watchdog’s eBulkPlus platform was the answer to the charity’s unique challenges, due to its ability to quickly set up and streamline processes. Ball stated, “The team got us up and running really quick and we found the system really attractive, and the support helpful.” The rapid implementation and user-friendly interface were crucial in meeting Thirtyone:eight’s immediate needs.

    Key Features and Benefits

    Operational Efficiency & Cost-Saving

    Onboarding eBulkPlus as their digital criminality check provider has transformed Thirtyone:eight’s operations from being wholly paper-based to entirely online. Highlighting how the platform has transformed their process, Ball added, “eBulkPlus has been really cost efficient for us processing our workforce; The speed, efficiency, and security of it – It’s made a huge impact.” By digitising their processes, Thirtyone:eight has significantly reduced staffing costs too “We would have a much higher staffing level if it were all paper, we wouldn’t be able to cope with just our in-house resource alone”  Ball stated.

    Reporting System

    The robust reporting capabilities of eBulkPlus have been a game-changer for Thirtyone:eight. Ball goes on to explain how this functionality has streamlined their invoicing and renewal reminders, saying, “The good thing about the reports is we can access them, but also our clients can as well. So, it’s really helpful, the fact that they’re downloadable and then we can export them and import them into our own system,”

    Account Management

    The support from their account manager has been an additional and celebrated benefit – Ball emphasised, “We were given the level of expertise that we need from our account manager – his in-depth knowledge and responsiveness have ensured that our needs are consistently met.”

    Customisation and Evolution

    Over the past 12 years, the eBulkPlus platform has continued to evolve to meet the specific and growing requirements of Thirtyone:eight; “When we’ve needed modifications over the years, they’ve happened, and on a timeline that has suited us. The platform’s ability to manage multiple users for various organisations has been particularly beneficial.” said Ball.

    Thirtyone:eight continues to see a drastic reduction in manual processes, enhanced security, and significant cost savings with the eBulkPlus platform operating their digital criminality checks. The screening platform’s speed and efficiency have continuously enabled the charity to better serve their clients and focus on their core mission.


    Thirtyone:eight’s experience with Matrix Security Watchdog’s eBulkPlus platform underscores the importance of a robust, efficient, and supportive digital screening solution. The partnership has not only addressed the charity’s immediate operational needs but has also provided a scalable solution that continues to evolve with their requirements, year after year.

    Through this collaboration, Thirtyone:eight has been able to enhance their operational efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure a high level of service for their clients, making eBulkPlus an indispensable tool in their workforce management strategy.