Job seeker confidence holds steady in Q4: Vaco


Job seeker and employee confidence is holding steady in the fourth quarter, according to a report by global staffing firm Vaco.

According to the Q4 Vaco Talent Pulse Report, 70% of job seekers and employees are confident in their ability to get and hold a job right now, down slightly from 72% in the quarter.

And 39% said they were extremely confident in their ability to get and hold a job, unchanged from the third quarter.

“In the face of ongoing shifts in the economic landscape, we’re seeing job seekers and employees who are leaning into the one constant they can rely on — themselves,” Vaco President Kevin Witt said in a press release. “Workers are exhibiting remarkable resilience and pressing forward with their career aspirations — whether that entails securing a new job, negotiating a raise or chasing a well-deserved promotion.”

Other findings in the report:

  • When it comes to their financial situation, job seekers and employees are relatively optimistic about the ability to improve it. The fourth-quarter report found 70% are optimistic about their ability to improve their financial situation, up from 68% in the third quarter.
  • In addition, 75% of employees expressed confidence in their ability to get a promotion or progress in their careers.

The report is based on surveys that included 8,929 people across the US and Canada. The polls took place through Vaco’s LinkedIn company profile on Aug. 4, Sept. 24 and Sept. 30.