Menopause & midlife health: Building employee benefits beyond HRT

benefits DEI Diversity diversity and inclusion employee benefits healthcare webinars

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Date & Time: Thursday, June 06, 2024 at 2:00 pm ET


Kathleen Davin, Benefits Leader, Maven

Dr. Stacey Silverman Fine, OB-GYN, Maven

Louise Embling, VP of Total Rewards, Unit4

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Build best-in-class menopause & midlife health benefits

With global productivity losses due to menopause topping $150B annually, people leaders see the urgent need to provide better support. But what does effective menopause and midlife health care actually look like? Symptom management through prescriptions like HRT is an important piece of the puzzle, but benefits need to offer more.

Join Maven Clinic and Unit4 to learn how to build comprehensive menopause support for your employees. We’ll look beyond prescriptions and into truly holistic approaches that address every aspect of an employee’s midlife health, from clinical care to emotional support. The impact of providing this care extends beyond your employees—it can also improve productivity, extend employees’ career spans, and drive long-term ROI.

During the webinar, you’ll learn:

– The challenges faced by employees navigating menopause and midlife health

– 5 strategies to support employees at work and at home

– What leading global companies are doing to prioritize menopause support

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