Recession or not, 6 ways HR can support employee financial wellness

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Nearly a third of prominent economists are predicting a recession will hit in 2025, according to an American Bankers Association report, which does not bode well for employees’ financial wellness. Recession or not, employees are likely to remain laser-focused on improving their financial wellness—and they want the support of their employer.

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According to a 2024 Wellbeing and Voluntary Benefits Survey by Buck, a Gallagher company, 92% of employees want more financial wellbeing resources from their employer. According to the report, nearly three-quarters of employers are saying they plan to tackle financial wellbeing this year.

This work could be especially meaningful for employees’ financial wellness should a recession hit, says Tom Kelly, voluntary benefit consultant for Gallagher. He advises employers to focus on benefits including:

  • Financial coaching
  • Emergency savings
  • Credit improvement programs
  • Supplemental medical benefits
  • Discounts

In a video interview with HR Executive, Kelly offered insights into how HR leaders can leverage these and other programs to minimize employees’ financial struggles.

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